Monday, July 23, 2007

Books & mentors

If you are looking for some interesting books about entrepreneurship, investing and business, you can find my favorites in, a wonderful site to introduce all your books and get recommendations from readers with similar books in their personal libraries.

From the previous list the main books that have steered my mind are:

Rich dad poor dad (R. Kiyosaki); Biography of Richard Branson, The tipping point (Malcom Gladwell), D. Trump biography, The science of getting rich (W. D. Wallace),How to be rich (J.P. Getty) and Leadership and self deception (Arbinger institute)

One of the most important things to do if you are starting out in business is to find a mentor. Of course, i have tried that and is pretty tough, cause you have little to offer them. I follow the advice from R. Kiyosaki and offer my time to work for free in exchange of being there and see how they work, but it didn't work out. He was a very busy venture cap. it would have been great but anyway he did teach me a lot of things. By all means find a mentor. He/she will provide you with advise and contacts, CRITICAL for business success. on the meanwhile, read, read and read. books are your best mentors. Read about successful stories, entrepreneurs and history. get positive momentum from them to get started. This is how i am doing it.

I will be posting reviews of the good books i will read in the future, stay tuned!

After 3 years of search i have got a mentor. I get great advice from him. Actually the strength of a mentor is that he will make you think clearer than you can think by yourself. Is just a second view, powered by experience. Don't expect a mentor to solve your problems, he will guide you but you STILL will have to solve them.

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