Sunday, July 22, 2007

Mission Statement


Welcome to my blog. I am an entrepreneur in the making. Actually i don't even know if I have what it takes to be an entrepreneur, but i am decided to find out!

There are so many books and blogs around of entrepreneurs that have achieved success. I guess when looking back they will tend to minimize mistakes and talk stories of success, But I haven't found a single one where somebody documents the process including the failures right now and then. Any entrepreneur knows that failures are the only opportunity to evolve, a chance offered to us to find solutions.

I write this blog mainly to organize my thoughts. You will be able to peek my mind and see how i go about investing, starting business, the books I read, crazy biz ideas i have, market trends that i am following and personal chapters too. I guess no need to say the following: feel free to comment on my postings!

Work hard for your luck!

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